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My summer drawings of ChernoAlpha with actual living heart (her pilots). One of my favourite things that i have done ^___^
By the way, in Russian voicing its not Cherno Alpha. It’s Black Alpha… xD And sounds SO DAMN COOL 8D It was made due to...
My summer drawings of ChernoAlpha with actual living heart (her pilots). One of my favourite things that i have done ^___^
By the way, in Russian voicing its not Cherno Alpha. It’s Black Alpha… xD And sounds SO DAMN COOL 8D It was made due to...

My summer drawings of ChernoAlpha with actual living heart (her pilots). One of my favourite things that i have done ^___^

By the way, in Russian voicing its not Cherno Alpha. It’s Black Alpha… xD And sounds SO DAMN COOL 8D It was made due to language specifics… Cherno sounds awkward for Russian ear, especially without explanation that it’s just a short form of Chernobyl   /)_-  

Who thinks Hallowing is for kinds that have never been in Russia for this holiday! Gates to hell opens in each club, I swear! xD 

Maximum that kids have it decorations at school! Then 21:00 - go to bad! 

Russian style Halloween is +18! NO! +21! Maybe even +35!

There was very lovely question in one communtty “Is there any light Halloween party? I don’t wanna be in Hell this night… “

So this is quick sketch for this thing xD 


One more comics for fandom combat ))
Great mighty obscene (language) (Like Great mighty Russian – set phrase).
Orlov: It’s so good alone… to stand here… to smoke and…
Orlov: Fuck… Found me…
Sasha: Why da hell are you smoking near...
One more comics for fandom combat ))
Great mighty obscene (language) (Like Great mighty Russian – set phrase).
Orlov: It’s so good alone… to stand here… to smoke and…
Orlov: Fuck… Found me…
Sasha: Why da hell are you smoking near...

One more comics for fandom combat ))

Great mighty obscene (language) (Like Great mighty Russian – set phrase).

 Orlov: It’s so good alone… to stand here… to smoke and…


Orlov: Fuck… Found me…

Sasha: Why da hell are you smoking near fuel barrels, dumbass?


Orlov:  But they are wrote off…  And there is nothing inside!

Sasha: Ah, very nice then! So go da hell back to your work. You jerks still need to tune a module today.

Orlov: Shame on you Alexandra Vladimirovna. Pretty woman and swearing like a shoemaker.

Sasha: You see, my dear lord, Sergey Alexandrovich, If to talk with You and Your colleagues with high style language, then I’m afraid, none of my orders are gonna be done. So, that’s why…


*One hour later*

Orlov: Lyoha! Are you okey with that Sasha is swearing so much?

Aleksis: Yeah, why?

Orlov: It’s a fucking disaster! Where she could learn it?…

Aleksis: I taught her. Don’t like anything about that?

Sasha: ORLOV! YOU’RE F*CKING PIECE OF MEAT! I’ll f*ck you bitch right now! With that module! You fucked up gas-bag! I wish devil in hell will tune your hell pot the same way you tuned the module!!!

Orlov (to Aleksis): No-no… You’ve done it great. Just for A+

I underlined expressions that are strong language in Russian. Actually you may speak in Russian strong like in regular language - its very rich and expressive xD

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